Dear Couples Saying ” I Do” and Families Saying “Good Bye”

It seems like the cards are stacked against you and that the moments of most supreme meaning are destined to be blocked and bereft with Covid restrictions mandating how you navigate some of the most important and sacred moments of your life.

I am here to offer you a crack in the structure of how our world is working right now.. and that crack is how the light gets in. ( thanks Leonard Cohen)

No matter what the rules are and even when you might have to restrict your Loved Ones in person attendance at your wedding, or even be restricted yourself from the final moments of your Loved One’s life or Celebration of Life, I wish to reach out my hand and say that we can STILL create magnificent, profound and deeply meaningful celebrations.

The key to all sacred celebrations is PRESENCE!!! and the wonderous thing is that Presence cannot be bound or limited by time, space or distance. It is something that happens in the heart and being of those who claim it. I have created absolutely magnificent ceremonies for “Just Two” and also memorial ceremonies for Loved Ones when I could not be present for the formal gathering. There is something profound that happens when you dig deep inside AND pull out all the stops for what it might look like to celebrate love when the standard operation procedures are not available.

So if it is time for ” holy matrimony” or “sacred farewells” please know that there are beautiful ways to create ceremony and celebration, while respecting the constrictions or mandates of rule of law.

I would be so honored to help you find YOUR WAY to celebrate LOVE. When there is a will, there is a way, complete with magic, wonderment, inclusion of loved ones and upliftment that is worthy of the love we have for each other. Please reach out if you would like help envisioning and manifesting a day of celebration that is the perfect expression of your new beginning as a couple and or the new beginning for your Loved One who is moving on to their next chapter. I am here to help you vision and also officiate your ceremony.

Blessings of LOVE to ONE And All.


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