Graceful Living? What is it?

Photo by Kylene Hashimoto on

When people ask me what my work is, I say it is called Graceful Living. This often results in a blank stare or even a confused “Huh?” So I thought it might help if I answered this oft asked question.

Grace is commonly thought of as the sudden, unexpected, sometimes even undeserved, healing or miracle. We all know the famous story of the captain of a slave ship that was sinking in a raging storm. Obvious a pretty retched soul, but in his terror, he prayed for help and his prayer was answered by the ceasing of the storm and passage to safe harbor. And thus arose one of the most famous hymns in the world.

“Amazing grace that saved a retch like me. I once was lost but now I see”

Other stories include miraculous healings of terminal illnesses, the arrival of unimaginable visions, and the voice of God coming to guide a way forward in life.

These are for sure examples of this mysterious benediction, yet as the quote by Mary Oliver expresses on the front page here, living in grace can also mean simply being at ease in an inner harmony and thus in a gentle flow with life.

So this is truly what I mean by Graceful Living. What is it that we can do to bring ourselves into that inner harmony? And how does this change the outer expression of our life?

The most simple thing we can do is soften and allow our breathing to become balanced and at ease. Our breath literally is the mechanism that infuses our physical body with the life force that allows for every single function and experience of our lives – from birth to death. Learning a breath practice that allows for the dissolution of stress and more deeply, trauma, will naturally guide us to the inner harmony and state of grace.

The breath practice that came into my life at a very early age was originally called Riding the Wave, as in riding the waves of energy/life force on the surfboard of the breath, into a state of integration and peace. What I discovered the more I practiced, was that it also activated my connection to what I call Source or God. With each session of practice, I would not only find myself in a beautiful state of resolution, but I had made a quantum shift into a state of consciousness in which I KNEW and FELT the presence of the divine. My heart would expand, open and become filled with waves of love. Any and all doubts, fears, wounds, blocked emotions, feelings of shame, critical inner voices would be dissolved in a bath of such benevolent love that there was nothing to do but to let go and receive this gift.

And what was this gift? It took many years, even decades to realize that this was the gift of GRACE. I gradually came to realize that this inner resolving, opening and receiving was reflected in my outer life in what came to feel like “magic.” Sometimes in mere moments, sometimes in days or weeks, the most delightful, often amazing resolutions in relationships would occur. Out-of-the-blue invitations, opportunities, and synchronicities would show up and surges of crystal clarity and volition would rise up to shift course, take action and make long desired changes.

More and more my life began to feel like I was living in flow and even in a state of being blessed. The uphill slog through willfully trying to make things happen fell away. The heart breaking, soul crushing marathons up mountains of difficulty gave way to a more empowered ability to “know when to hold them and know when to fold them”, to make better and better choices in all areas of my life.

One of the greatest gifts I have experienced on this path of Graceful Living is to feel that I am not alone and that I do not have to do everything by myself. It is truly a feeling of having a very supportive, “I want more for you than you even want for yourself” companion that loves me from the inside out, and shows me the way and even gifts me with treasures, just like a true soul mate.

One of the greatest challenges I have had in learning to live “gracefully” is that I am super impatient. I have the kind of constitution and consciousness in which I get things really fast and see possibilities that are WAY more lovely than what life is currently dishing up, AND I WANT IT NOW!!! This has been so hard that I have even felt that I don’t want to be here any more. “Beam me up Scottie! Send the mother ship and get me outa here.”

When I get overwhelmed with this impatience, the only thing that helps is to lie down, tucked under my down duvet that I call my “Puff”. When that doesn’t work, I literally get down on my hands and needs, bow my head way, way low and say “I let go and I let God” This surrender-full gesture sometimes brings forth a flood of tears and sometimes it takes a long while for the tension and willful gripping in my body and mind to soften. Sometimes I feel a great, wise presence standing beside me quietly and gently stomping very large feet sending me the vibrational message “let go! let go! let go!” Needless to say, when I am finally able to do so, with the help of my beloved breath, most often with music and when ever possible, water, water, water, that now familiar flow of love begins pouring into my heart and I can feel the retch in me being saved by amazing grace once again.

As our world goes through the convulsions of such turmoil and hopefully a transition to a more harmonious, balanced, connected and caring planet, we all have this amazing opportunity to not only journey in a more grace filled way, but to even help create the world we are wanting.

Please consider having a Touch of Grace session or call me so we can discuss how you can receive the blessing of Graceful Living. It truly can be a way of living that impacts every aspect of your personal and professional life. May we all live in ease, flow and grace.

So much love to you,

love Grace

2 responses to “Graceful Living? What is it?”

  1. Working with Grace is authentic and so safe. I have dealt with the depths of trauma as well as lighting up my professional path. A truly gifted woman.

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